how much do log homes cost to build

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  • Опубликована: 06 сен 2012, 09:43
  • Автор: bill
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Тема: how much do log homes cost to build
A half timber house is very interesting now; its prices are always different and depend on many things. I will express my point of view, it can be both expensive and cheap. A cost of most firms is 10000 rubles. It is actually figurative and at least sets the amount of the customer. So, I think it is not possible to say exactly about the price until at least you have a sketch with the dimensions of the structure. For fun, for 5 minutes I have searched between the firms. Prices from 8,000 to 15,000 rubles per m2 of house with a half timber 200-220 mm (it's for a middle frame house, as a concrete frame house may be very different as I have already said). Where do they have such a difference (almost double), it is not clear, of course, they praise themselves and abuse others.
Once companies put that price, a freelance team can drop the price (well, compare teams and companies in other topics).
But it is not clear why for the half timber houses they often use the cost per m2. From logs, there is a price per m3 in the same firm, but for a half timber it is per m2. Are there some technological features? (I do not take into consideration the option of hand-made log house).
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Тема: Re: how much do log homes cost to build
A half timber as a material, in fact, is significantly more expensive than logs because you get a lot of waste on its production, lacks in processing. Compare - to make a cylinder (or just to trim logs) or to saw side parts in the manufacture of a half timber, which are usually unusable in reality. A possible rejection rate is higher; a half timber is often twisted.
A labor is intensive that requires highly skilled cutters. You can’t just cut somehow as many people do; the defects will be immediately visible. That’s why the price is higher.
The price of a "floor area" is actually a hidden overcharge, it a work on a psychology of the consumer, who unwittingly compares the prices of housing in the apartment buildings.
A precise calculation is calculated according to the exact project and the amount of material.
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Тема: Re: how much do log homes cost to build
The log house volume given as an example (5 x 7), 23.29 cubes, 28.44 cubes based with a waste. "Opinions on the accuracy of figures"can not be so much, since the calculation is made in a special program. There are deviations, but minor, due to differences in the approaches of the designer. In the same program the amount of timbers in the house can be calculated, even with the openings, though without openings, even with the grooves and cups, even without them. You know, the topic interested me because I am going to build a sauna. I consider all options, including a half timber. But it is really strange information on the sites. I repeat the question why for the half timber houses the firms often use the cost per m2. From logs, there is a price per m3 in the same firm, but for a half timber it is per m2. Why a half timber is significantly more expensive then logs. About logs the information is much clear. Of course, many companies level up prices. There is lot of information yet. And for a half timber it is unclear. Sometimes it seems that producers themselves build from a half timber. And trying to get more revenue due to a new material. So, I would like to get unbiassed information.
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Тема: Re: how much do log homes cost to build
A manufacturer typically considers log house by cubes, but the builder by something else. A half timber as a material, in fact, is significantly more expensive than logs because you get a lot of waste on its production, lacks in processing. Compare - to make a cylinder (or just to trim logs) or to saw side parts in the manufacture of a half timber, which are usually unusable in reality. A possible rejection rate is higher; a half timber is often twisted. A labor is intensive that requires highly skilled cutters. You can’t just cut somehow as many people do; the defects will be immediately visible. That’s why the price is higher.
The price of a "floor area" is actually a hidden overcharge, it a work on a psychology of the consumer, who unwittingly compares the prices of housing in the apartment buildings.
A precise calculation is calculated according to the exact project and the amount of material.
If you are interesting in, you can send the project and Iwill draw it in my spare time.
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Тема: Re: how much do log homes cost to build
Can you count on three different schemes a house price (of course, not a ‘turn-key’), if I give the parameters? Here is for curiosity and comparative analysis, or it will be incorrect with respect to other competitors? Or practical for users?
1) by volume
2) by m 2 area
3) by m2 of wall
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Тема: Re: how much do log homes cost to build
"A half timber is a style of manual cutting of wooden houses that is very popular in the Nordic countries: Norway, Sweden, and Finland. A distinctive feature of this style is a different profile logs, which trimed on both sides throughout the length and angle connection, performed by the 'Norwegian notch". A phrase that is present in most sites serving a half timber framework. A cost per 1 m2 of living area, IMHO, an attempt to force the buyer to compare the cost of a half timber house "turn key" to the cost of the apartment area.
Options of the cost are quite interesting. Initially, the production cost per m 2 of room at a height of 3 meters is 10000 rubles. But when you see this wooden house at a height of 150 cm, the price immediately increased 1.5 times, and not at 1.25 after calculation work on the system price is 22000-25000 with the materials and a foundation.
P.S. I love bath from logs more than made of a half timbers. Another thing is the home of half timbers. A more accurate value of the framework determined by the volume, not by the area. A price 8000 rubles was taken from the Internet by analyzing several web sites and introducing the average value. And do not forget that the cost of the framework in a workplace. At least, that is registered on the site.
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Тема: Re: how much do log homes cost to build
A quality of home with cutters of one qualification is the same. A half timber or round logs is a matter of taste. Men like more a round log, but women love flat. And from a log edge, alas, to do something is more complicated than a usual board. Neither dry nor trim. There are not much back-up costs, in short. Just I would like to say, I will not to say how much was my house. This will not give anything to a potential client who wants to build something like yours. So, log 6 meters along the axes where are two walls, one divides the frame in a half, the other one a half formed. A height 320 mm, a width 150 mm. In a complete set there were floor joists for the first and second floor, a subfloor of edging boards, rafters (5 pairs), a ridge beam and a moss. There is no the Norwegian notch.

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