old wooden houses in Russia

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  • Опубликована: 26 ноя 2012, 13:04
  • Автор: Summer
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Тема: old wooden houses in Russia
A reconstruction of an old wooden house outside Moscow.
Good health to all! I want to reconstruct the old wooden house 10 x 6 with a cold extension. See a design of house. I plan.
1. Dismantle an addition on the site an extension of planed timbers. It has a toilet and a shower room + a hall + it may have a staircase to the attic.
2. Disassemble the roof and the ceiling; raise the walls of the old house on two boards along the perimeter.
3. A gable roof over the entire house of MCH. A ridge height of 3.5 meters. An attic area5 x 10?
I have some questions.
1. Should I break the floor and raise it. Now, it is 2,45 m. How much will it rise?
2. Where do the stairs to the second floor in the annex or in the old house?
3. The roof can be broken or not? What are the considerations? We will live permanently, 3 persons.
4. To break a furnace of 1970 or not, not used anymore since 1987, because we had a gas? Do we need the pipe on the second floor? And indeed the oven takes up much space. Where it is now, we are planning a kitchen there.
On May 5 we will start making a foundation.
While we considered the work with the material 470 000 rubles, and we must pay 175 000 rubles for builders. A poured foundation. Dismantled the stove. Entered into an agreement: the construction of an extension to one floor the size of 3 x 10, 5m of profiled beams. The annex provides rough floors. It is put under a general gable roof with an old house. For the roof a waterproofing membrane + lags for the 2nd floor, boards 150 x 50 cm. Rafters by 1m. Pediments sutured by a windproof film + edged boards 150 x 25. On the second floor there is a total binding with an extension in the amount of two crowns. Under the house rotted crowns changed for new ones at the perimeter of the lumbers for the sum of 15,000 rubles. On the second floor there is a rough flooring. The cost is 140 000 rubles + 15 000 (see above) + 10,000 for the demolition of roof extensions. I am waiting for feedbacks and comments.
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
Inexpensive, I did the same thing, only a skeleton and without a second floor. A complete dismantling of the roof and rafters. My house is a full crap. By the way, where are you now?
So, we made a gable asymmetrical roof (one ramp is shorter than the other one and a long new annex), without the 2nd floor, for the roof we choose metal tiles. We didn’t change crowns; we set a new annex on the old foundation of the house. I paid about 320 thousand rubles for everything.
Now, we build a new porch + a decor of foundation by the basement siding. Some questions:
The use of property – a dacha or a permanent residence?
What are the plans for the old windows in the main wooden house and what is their condition? What is the condition of the basement under the main log home, do you have a blind area? I would not advise to rush to disassemble the stove. It should be cleaned. By the way, does it set on its own foundation or on the floor?
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
Thank you! I did not know that there is a specialized chamber for repair and reconstruction.
1) Appointment as a permanent residence 90 km of Kazan direction.
2) The state is bad, the windows should be changed, one will be in the center and the other two will be extended up to 1.5 m.
3) The foundation was made in 1980. There is a good foundation of boulders and bricks 1.5 meters, no blind area.
4) The furnace is dismantled, it was on a separate foundation, but it takes a lot of space. Foundations was left, it can then go under a fireplace or a stove. We have a gas heating. On the north side there is always a lot snow, so the lower crowns rotted. We changed 2 or 3 crowns on each side and raised two corners on one another for 6 cm to 4 cm (25 000 rubles).
Today, we finished our extension.
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
It's time to think about the roof. How to cover it? Builders from Nizhny Novgorod recommend using a decking. A foreman uses Lipetsk MCH for 280 rubles. I want a Prism. I ask you for advice, what to do, in order not to overpay, to cover the roof quite well? I must do it for 100,000 rubles, it’s my budget. To bring a snow stop or a roof drainage or forget it. I see in our village it is very rare the people who have both. Who says about the Lipetsk metal tiles?
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
It is necessary to bring a roof drainage, that’s my advice to you! And once the roof and the installation. Why do you need the following problems with the "swelling" logs from the water and then a cracking of a foundation from frosts?
I think I have the Lipetsk metal roofing / h + a roof drainage "Deke". I am pleased. And you? Where do you plan to buy it? The money flows, we must also solve a lot of issues before the winter. You will have to live in the house.
The plan does not even know where to start? Help me with the prices (I wanted to write with the price).
How much is a thermal insulation of attics and outbuildings?
A new gas boiler 150 m2 + installation and heating in the attic (three rooms) and extension (three)?
A pump station 4 000 rubles + and the water (only a well)
A sewage about 60 000 rubles.
Three windows and a front door 50 000 rubles.
What can be left for the next year? What I need to do more? Please, give me a piece of advice!
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
I have experience in dealing with building teams. Conclusions are not comforting. The Russians are drunk and lazy, empty promises, delays in work. May come 6 young healthy men and all day just to sit with you and persecute bikes. Only two of them somehow work. Your troubles and terms don’t concern them. Sometimes I have the feeling that they are not even particularly interested in money...Guest workers work very quickly and in some cases they are very cheaper. They have troubles with the building tools, skills as well, but they take everything. Beware that your giving will be for them, "a training base". Their instruments with electric and petrol-driven (electric tools and saws) it is better not to give them.
Without patching the roof (eaves, overhangs) the whole point of insulation is lost.
For three windows + door 50 000 rubles this is with the material and the work? What kind of doors and windows?
For a gas and a sewer / water, I do not tell, but I think that it is an expensive work and the materials, especially when taking on the mind with warming of communications for the winter of life. It turned out that a CLADDING of cornices is still included. Since shingles will be brought tomorrow, an acute problem arises. A wall paneling, a siding and a soffit? For the installation of gutters 12 000 rubles. A lot? What about the windows is it possible to put wood on acquaintance. I do not know if it is worth? And a film TYVEK lies on the roof on one side, and on the front of the other is turned. It should be so?
When we made roofing, the roof insulation became wet (we do not change), so, in the ceiling a canvas swelled in some places. On the ceiling there is a mixture of 50 cm in depth: sawdust, housewife, sand or wool. We looked for soaked places. Tell me, please, what to do?
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
Thank you for your support! That’s a builder’s fault! They remodeled a waterproof membrane to make it come out in the gutter. Then they spoiled the mood. Yes, the roof was badly hid during the rain, the insulation was wet. And there we have seen today except the sand and the sawdust, there are padded. So, it is unlikely to succeed to dry. A true layer of 20-30 cm. Now, I do not know what to do? Today my daughter was treated a subfloor upstairs with the antiseptic. Who knows why? The owner knows it! Should be solved with the boiler and insulated homes. Beam of 15 m should be warm and which side is better? Look and look jambs. It is promoted in our area office.
1) The film is good, but the upside to the gable;
2) a wrong waterproofing;
3) at the bottom there is a crude heater;
4) a garbage is around, promised in a heap.
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
When my builders left, it has been rain for a few and all the water was dripping inside the house. Because it was easier for them to make a film on the inside. And we had to persist with that film and attach it to the outside.
Look at the pic before & after. We installed doors and windows in the attic. We painted a timber house. A lot of logs with cracks. We assembled the roof drainage. The water collects in the middle, and takes place in notches! We shoveled piles.
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
Hello, neighbors!
Your log house is good, and the cracks are inevitable, alas! How did you paint timbers? I have the same problem with the drainage, and notches are flowing on a new wonderful porch, filling the stairs. Their debris scraped away with talibstroy - partially presented for neighbors as firewood, partially stored in a dark corner. You can build a house of a high quality. The only question is where to take this time and experience... We decided that the height of 2400 for the front a little, we can make 2800. We parsed the ceiling sawdust in a fire. A pondered heating: 90 m2 1st floor + 50 m2 of the attic.
A boiler: Viessmann Vitopend 100 W 24kW. Superficially like a small compact. It can be put in the bathroom! (As it has written on the manufacturer's website). Radiators: offers are different Kermit panels (such as are in demand) or cheap Chinese aluminum (such as household optimal). They removed the paneling put windows. Windows were raised up to 20 cm and a height of windows increased from 110 to 135 cm. Windows are made without tubing. Only 7 of these windows and two of them in the new annex. One window was cut again. And one window was made twice. They want to pay 1500 rubles for a window. Is it expensive without tubing?
Put beacons. We will sheathe with the simulated Rockwool insulation 50 for a single layer.
A log house inside:
A lathing
The insulation, thx a website for the Rockwool!
Builders would like to make a vapor barrier, but the forum and I are against so. I ordered windows. We bought the boiler and radiators. The problem of the small overhangs, after the trimming they will still diminish. What to do? That's my personal opinion, if you plan to live in this house constantly, than the GCR is better. There any options or wallpapers or a painting. But "yesterday" flowered silk screenings was such trendy, but «Today» strict monochromatic tones, and glue it to your soul like. In various rooms there is a different interior and a siding everywhere. It is monotony and you are quickly bored. The more wood you have been outside.
I have a house exactly like yours. Inside the finished gypsum under the wallpapers. Just plan an attic floor. I'd like to go billiards. That's possible there will be a country style finish. A purely sitting area, you would not forget that you are out of town.
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
Reconstruction is not grateful and very costly. One problem drags another one.
Such as the construction of the roof and an extension lead to the replacement of decayed crowns. Replacing crowns led to that sex beams were cut, and the floor in an old house will have to change.
So, make a snow stop, otherwise you roof will frustrate.
OR installing windows pulled the outer decoration at home to put the window down the line.
Further heating and wiring can be done without finishing. Etc.
Therefore a reconstruction requires a careful calculation of an experienced master.
In short you have to winter in a cold house with no light.
Or do an interior trimming by your own modest forces.
1) First, we plan to disassemble an old ceiling and a new hem.
2) Next, it is necessary to insulate the overlap -7.5 cm insulation will be enough? (The bar is not enough).
Is there a way to keep warm?
3) Next, you need to fight off the plaster from the walls of 5 cm or more and attach GCR 2.5 meters from the ceiling.
And a question - how to do it better? On rails or on the wall?
At the bottom of 20 cm we will not do, because the floor will be moved in the spring, but we still want to install radiators.
4) Insulate the floor 15 cm in the annex.
5) Hang the boiler and radiators.
6) Wiring.
I would like to finish this season. And start more or less comfortable winter (heat and light). If you missed it let me know, and that the nerves pass.
The floors throughout the house, drainage, water supplies, decoration, painting of walls, ceiling, a bathroom improvement is planned for the next season. God’s will.
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
Do not be discouraged. You only the first season of the reconstruction, and we spent two seasons so. The first year we went to the bio-toilet, standing in a cold room and even a convector didn’t cope with the cold. The house itself was heated by two stoves that heated the house until fueled, and in the morning teeth were chattering. Gradually, we create our own comfort, but still we are full of happiness away because everything comes down to money. This year plan to make the roof and exterior, but when the winter is 35 degrees of frost we were almost frozen, then we decided to do trimming. From the outside we have an ugly house, but the house is warm, there is a hot water, a toilet and even walls. May be you should pay attention to the internal comfort, but now nothing to say. You're done.
I do not see any electrical problems. Do all the wiring in the hoses, and then when there is an opportunity, you will just close the GCR. There is also no problem with the heating. Make the wiring of the heating system, hang up the batteries, and then when you bind GCR battery, they can be easily removed, and the pipes are under the GCR, then hinged a battery. Or, if the pipes are not going to hide under the GCR, during the installation of GCR, batteries simply move away from the wall. (You can see how they were doing.) I think you should not freeze. You have a gas. You will not be much ruined with it. And next season, insulate as expected.
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
Thanks for the support! Will show your message to my husband, as he listens to only a work superintendent, and in fact we have different goals with him. I haven’t unfortunately seen any smart builder who was ready for renovation. Clearly that is easier to re-build, but this is the professionalism. Here you have certainly no construction education, but you are much more correct to argue with the current situation. Today announced the general sum of 500,000 for the interior decoration only for one floor. Thanks again and good luck to you!
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
To place orders, you must have money. it’s clear that to buy wholesale is cheaper. Now we make a ceiling. We put a channel and strengthened by joists, there is the insulation between the joists "TekhnoNIKOL", a film, a rough ceiling, a plasterboard. The plaster will repel only in those places where it mixes or it disappears. On the wall to the floor not GCL 250 (H 270) to hang the radiators, and the next year will change partly.
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Тема: Re: old wooden houses in Russia
Yes, as long as we heated an overlap 15 cm when we made the ceiling. Now, we have to make heating. A boiler and radiators are bought. We want to make one floor, and eventually to connect the two floors. In the bathroom, it is necessary to warm the floor, but we have there beam 100 * 150 with a distance of 60 cm. I do not know whether they bear the tie bars? And what is an alternative? Well, imagine that you have a second floor, before there was a wooden box and a simple roof batten, where the wind howled and the vapor was from the first floor, which was penetrated to the second floor. And now you sheathed there everything, we put a plastic window and it turns out there may be a condensation. Maybe I'm wrong, of course.We have not even changed and therefore did not pay.
Made on the 1st floor heating, radiators and we installed 8 boilers.
The floor is covered with two layers of varnish without tinting. The result was too bright.
We insulated the floor in the room in the annex building.
We are sticking now wallpapers on the ceiling. Choose wallpapers for the walls. We also installed two interior doors.
I have to work hard at home and at work. In general, it is time to calm down, but it's hard to stop.
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Let my comment be here 10 minutes plz )
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ничего не понятно, что за тест такой?

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