log home building ideas

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  • Опубликована: 07 фев 2013, 14:52
  • Автор: constructor
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
This whole wall is painted with blue Belinka at once. In the corners and openings there are ready corners, painted two or even three times with the same paint (I do not know exactly as builders painted). I painted the outside of the house, on the terrace for two times, there is a more intense shade than in the kitchen, but not as black as a corner.
The wall does not get to show it's closed by the kitchen ...
The whole house is colorful, another honor has never painted, and later bring photos, lay ...So, we are still under construction, so do not blame me for all sorts of stuff ...
I am asked by the customer to trim ancient ceilings with fiberboard sheathing in a log cabin. It's just a mockery of old age. I do not know how to talk and what to offer in return. There is nothing worse than MDF! It doesn’t make it straight, there is no beauty, however, only archaic ways of fixing-on studs or through beams. A misery, in fact. Neither aesthetics nor manufacturability. It's better, in my opinion, followed by sizing drywall with vinyl wallpapers.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
Actually, as I recall, there was a fiberboard, a particleboard, and when it was not normal, but about laminated we have not even heard of. Then it was a revolutionary material. Those who have got the songs of Visotsky nailed where they could, on the floor, walls, or a ceiling.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
Some questions about floors- what, where, when?
Welcome, ladies, gentlemen and friends!
Go straight to the heart of the topic.
The house is brick, one-story, of 50-ies of the last century building, the thickness of walls, well, maybe 50-60 inches.
A rectangular form (or rather that part of the question).
Size 9.5 m * 7.7 m.
For a soil is clay. The foundation well as I say, that it is not in the usual sense of the word but the autopsy revealed something like a bed of gravel or other large stone. Base (let's call that part of the wall from the stones to the bottom and between the rows of brick roofing material) is also brick (sorry for the butter oil), some of it under the ground, some of the ground under the floor. There is no drainage around the house, I pile up all shot in the fall, since the bursting of the concrete chunks called a blind area, it is not possible. In addition, there are no roof gutters.
Bricks outside the house near the ground fall off pieces together with plaster, and inside the house apparently wet pulls the moisture from the bottom or from the outside. The earth is also wet. In the basement of the wall there are walled ends 4 sill or perhaps more correctly which stretch from one wall to the other, occasionally leaning on the concrete columns in the ground (almost lying on the ground).
Across these brands there are lag-large-logs, which were used to lay the forty, shorter cold floors in every sense of the word.
Distance from Mother Earth to the rough floor is around 40 cm.
In the basement there are three cracks, two on mutually opposite sides, and one on the perpendicular (this crack was inundated during the next repair of blind area).
In the corners of the rooms were holes in the floor like a ventilation of underground.
In short, if you've read this far, thanks you for your interest in my problem. In general, the floors are rotting. And, significantly, in the corners of rooms, where were these poor grids and the floor was practically failed.
An autopsy showed that in these places lags, despite their impressive form actually turned into a fine dust, for the company and the ends rotted floorboards.
And in my memory 15 years ago logs and boards in that place have been changed. So, as I thought that was not casual. If the corners are rotting, so there is lack of ventilation ... and with that thought before littered picked open in the basement. Then I came up with a brilliant idea, to change the entire floor and insulate it.
After reading hundreds of pages of forum house, I saw clearly that it was dark deal...
The main part.
Drowning in a sea of information confirmed by outstanding theorists and practitioners, my fevered brain drew this picture.
Appears I'm standing barefoot in the house, let in the warm budget laminate underneath as usual substrate underneath plywood, well, let's say 18 bolted to the crate of rails (or boards). A vapor barrier under the rails, comfortably covering basalt wool, a layer of 100 mm (2 * 50 mm with overlapping joints) who brutally sandwiched between the boards 50 × 150, and bottom rails gently supported a subfloor. Well, all this beautiful course I antiseptic economic and other biosecurity (incidentally the prose of life, old logs and planks have been eaten by the bug).
Damn lost my romantic mood ...
Well, it all lies the farm on my four beams, pre-peeled terribly corrosive deposits can even be (well, it is unlikely that they receive this honor) painted.
And at the bottom, that is, the film is a bit of land, what type, to cut off the moisture.
Now questions for our experts:
What is wrong? I feel that all this construction will rot just like before ... to improve a ventilation by increasing the number of cracks as well as a height and underground is not possible ... to gloss over the base from the inside no to soak the walls.
Where make grids on the floor? Someone says under the batteries, some one-in corners, someone along the wall perimeter, someone says that, in general, and tightly seal all wall up. When open and close these fuck’n cracks? Someone closes in the winter and opens in the summer, someone does not close completely, and someone lives without these cracks.
After all, if the floor is insulated, the underground turns cold contrary, so how is with winding in the winter?
In short, please do not kick down and calm me by writing something like:
"Dude, all you will get, you do not squirm in vain for two months, exposing the floor of the house, and to heap smashing everything inside walls, braking all wiring and ceiling and in addition to dig around the outside perimeter of the house to ditch 1.5 meters deep, to make sure that the basement waterproofing is not possible due to its complete lack of ".
By the way, (and maybe not by the way) all the old plaster was broken off from the walls. Now, I think maybe I shouldn’t’ t do it.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
At the photography where the double-T-iron propped up the brick column, it is clear that things are not so bad. The bar is dry, so it's not a ground moisture but a precipitation from the roof.
A crushed stone which is simultaneously a ground floor saturated with water. A capillary effect. This is bad. The wall like a pump, once typing in its water, sat down at it. Hudro misfire which separates from the main foundation of the wall, as I understand. From one year to the boundary of this water will be higher and higher. But even before there will be a mold on the bottom. Especially in a warm dark underground. And you will not guess "that I so often get cold even in summer? A throat ache and it is an allergy to mold spores. And you probably have not caused a smile.
Anyway, now the case.
We knowingly dug a trench along the wall. It is necessary to make sanitation of foundation, take away the water, to make it warm. A roadmap is as follows:
Google and find woodpeckers drilled holes in the base and pumped back some chemistry. This chemical is absorbed by the stone, displaces the water and strengthens the foundation. The outside wall below the level of future blind area should be also treated with some waterproof chemistry.

Shoot down all the soaked plaster and even higher 60 cm above the blind area. Then plaster again. the plaster should be rich in concrete.
Glue on the plaster an extruded polystyrene. From the foot of the basement to a level 600 mm above the top of the blind area.
Place on the bottom the ditch drainage pipe wrapped in geotextile. A drain pipe must pass around the perimeter of the house and go like in some header (as an appropriate drainage foundation you need to take a separate decision based on the landscape of the ground water level, etc.)
Fill the trench with a layer beating. If still you make a drainage of foundation, fill not somehow, but for science – a gravel and a sand. Cover up to a height - 50 mm. above the ground, leaving the room for the blind area.

6. Make a blind area.
7. A polystyrene foam above the blind area should be trimmed by tiles and a plaster ...
8. Hang ebbs on top of the polystyrene end or seal so that the water would never get a polystyrene.
9. Make organized storm drains.
Floors can be made as planned. The only thing that is still needed to pay close attention - the ends of beams in the walls. Are they still alive?
Such actions will restore the foundation would not rot floor boards. They will solve the problem of thermal insulation and preservation foundation. At the same time, they will help the insulation of floors.
Do not dig a trench around the entire house at once! Take frequent. A foundation!
ps. As a writer to the writer: I want to get a constructive criticism in the site structure and content. Thanks in advance.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
Thank you so much for your reply. As for the external parts have approximately the same thoughts swirling in my head (except for injection into the foundation of chemistry, see what kind of animals, i.e. birds, woodpeckers).
The ends of double-T-iron as you correctly noted are the most vulnerable spot, the tail of one end of 4 double-T-irons completely rotted. As for the trenches, I've already got on the brain from a relative who also told me that work makes by parts and made all urgently buried until the spring to avoid troubles and he advised to save money on the foundation and drainage activities. So, that while poking around inside, and wait for a summer work in horror. About the site I will look a little later.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
And my former owner of dacha laid the film and also to laid an asphalt on it. As a result the overlap of the sleepers and the first crowns were almost rotted as a floor was shaking. Well, I thought lags sag, but the fact that they are from the sleeper I did not guess. There was nothing to shine in the cellar. When it comes to repairs, I exposed floors topped with hardboard, painted brown and I realized without replacing of the floor board I couldn’t manage. The top board is perfectly white. After opening the entire floor suddenly began the rain and I watched in horror as my foundation-filled with aquarium water. A neighbor lent me the pump called "Kid" but it was powerless because the rain fell in torrents, and all the water including surface seems to drip into our side, because the slope land in my direction. In general, rising to 40 cm was the result from asbestos pipes. The water left, and I pumped with a pump. The first thing I did, I throw the whole litter. I made from a piece of sleeper tamping, slipped from the middle of the underground clay is under the floor, to the inner wall of the base and carefully compacted. As it was later told that sort of castle. Then in the corner of the proposed manhole I dug a hole to the size of a small refrigerator, found behind a fence. I took the body away, I drilled additional holes at the bottom of the siphon and adapted from cancer. Having broken out at the foundation I slipped a siphon tube connected to a trap and drove into the ravine behind my fence. Fifty meters wide ditch a couple of shovels and depth is determined by gravity water flowing out of the box. Before installing the box sprinkled with a little sand pouring. Later, it drove out the water formed by the box. In the box poured with gravel in the second year of operation since the siphon got a piece of clay. Now this is a strainer. I think you should not close the ventilation. I want to add it on the contrary, because the clay is still wet on the surface. If it can be more on top of the sand and if I get it. From the ground to the sub-floor is 30 inches. Even fans of the computers they put 12 volt power supply and one from it will be more than enough.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
I have no such water in this part of the house, but I'm in a different place of my underground in the house annexe building (which I has not yet arrived, and where the underground is deeper) looked once in the spring and saw the water, so that it is possible a similar problem. I have some water pouring from the roof and foundation, extension poles, and between them a little tape on the ground and the water seems flowing under it. Without removal from the top and a drainage I can’t manage as I understand exactly.
ps. I also thought about the ventilation, but when I saw how fast the basement rusty metal fasteners and clamps from the basement, I declined electricity. I bought yesterday pinoteks base (a red can), I was assured that it was the coolest treatment (at least from an assortment of the store). 2.5 grouse per 10 liters, however. Now I bought it, I think whether I should treat logs as not to suffer?
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
That's just all the boards of lags as I treated off a couple of times. As for making it mandatory ventilation with computer fans. They blow good and safe as they work at 12 volts. The block can be put in the house, or as between the rough and finish flooring. They consume little and then with a large margin. I have a neighbor with its roof floods flowing to me, because it is above the slope. But it doesn’t matter for him. I dug ditches along our land and let the drains around the perimeter while temporarily so.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
There is a reason for brainstorming:
1. On a biosecurity there is a sign to treat with a brush or a spray. They forgot about the roll or it absorbs better with a brush?
2. Does it make sense to coat the wet brick base with water in order to reduce the amount of water that comes into the underground?
3. How process double tees, especially in areas adjoining to the walls?
4. How would be better the Izospan (which is lower) laid to the bottom of the subfloor or lay on top of the subfloor (under the insulation), and if a heater, to cover lags them side-top, or leave them open? I need you help!
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
I continue my research.
I slightly (by 40-50 cm in depth) dug around the perimeter of the inside of foundation. I smeared a part of the wall (still in one layer) by water stop. In two days I saw this picture: almost all treated surface was reach in drops, while as not treated remained slightly damp as it was. First I thought that the water seeps out of the wall, but then seems to have understood the reason. Since the wall socket was cold and there was no floor, the warm air condensed on it at home more than before (with the floor), but this brick partially absorbed the moisture and there were no drops. Besides, it seems, the base and blind area requires a significant external insulation.
Now I think: beams buried by the ends in the wall (which will form the floor joists), wet from walls for 20-30 centimeters, a coat of mastic, if it makes sense roofing?
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
1. It is better to use a spray (less stains). Loss with a brush or a spray is about the same.
2. If you treat a ground floor inside, the moisture will have to go somewhere out of the basement. Either up or out. If you will glue outside EPS, the moisture remains inside the basement forever.
3. A varnish Kuzbass (IMHO)
4. Izospan, waterproofing. I would opt out of the film, and I will make some cracks.
In this situation, the foundation remains live for 15 years maximum. If you love the house, change the foundation under it. There are companies that do this for a reasonable price.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
Damn, this is a bar then? I had thought there a big beam! Elegant but in a completely normal place. Do not panic, forget a Provence style. We will create the American provincial for the exterior of your house it fits like no other ... I liked you house very well. (I hope it was the same on the outside?). Now we have a picture even worse. We still expect these torments. A nice house, very pretty...
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
Thank you, I need a piece of advice, some questions have been hewn in the forum, but some (most) appear suddenly and fixed immediately find the answer, the more it always seems that my situation is a peculiar and requires a different solution! I thought about it before, but this pushes back with horror at the start, the further postponed, the worse was to begin! I started in September, when my friends moved into winter apartments (we live there in the summer) and the opportunity to roam. And as long as I strolled all alone and in a very small gap of free time, one removal of viscera is very time consuming, but I should still start and finish, but I was already on some stages of repair, as this stretch is clearly not in one season, and this summer in any need to live here (no joke).
So, a spatula, a brush, tips and optimism to help ...
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
I laid roofing for flavor sprinkled expanded clay, smeared all around antiperspirant, I also made two layers of roofing material put logs and then hesitated ... The distance between the I-beams was around 2m +-20cm. Lags behind the board has 50 * 150 by 60cm. Now, I doubt whether they are strong, lags?
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
I just gave up something in it (like our meeting was a mistake). Here, I do not know to leave it or tie it destiny forever.
I do not have a tank (fortunately / unfortunately), and the crash of the load from two crazy kids jumping and jumping may well prove disastrous, so that calculates a mathematical model of the behavior of offspring (as they tiptoe singly along the wall –and there is less deflection).
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
I feel I can’t put off any longer. My kitchen is terrible as a sin.
The main problem! I beg you, if somebody can (from your experience) advise a good master who will make good and fast?
A very small kitchen - 5.9 m! So, I do not need a team, there two priests rub.
About the choice of kitchen furniture I revered in another topic. I understood that we had to go and see personally, and then order online from the factory, so it is cheaper.
I am just behind the maintenance of life where to go to buy materials for repairs? As it will be inexpensive and a great choice. Leroi?
All compounded by the fact that the walls are almost "busy". On one wall there is a battery (I do not want these old cast iron is really good warm), the other - a window and under the door of the cold cabinet, the third - a stove, and above it a lot of gas pipes, which can not be touched and can not be closed - should be easily accessible, accidents run to us - 1st floor, everything is closed on us and out into the street. Yes, even with the terrible geyser tube on top, but like any pipe - ducts decently there, you have to look. That's it. The fourth wall - the door. Not a kitchen, but a fairy tale!
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
And what kind of repairs did you decide to do? upgrade or capital? Tear everything, even walls, a floor screed, a warm floor - new electrics - replacement of plumbing?
And what kind of kitchen do you like? Style? wood - plastic - MDF - corduroy?
I have a kitchen from a factory "Maria", a variant of the economy; it has withstood two floods of hot water, I like it so! I choose a color and a price (I like yellow). It costs 9,800 rubles for the wall 2.5m. (a case-column, a sink, a dishwasher, an oven, a table with drawers), no countertop and handles, upper cabinets with a frosted glass. Then there was the bar ordered for 7,000 rubles. Mom ordered the same (only a heavenly color) a metallic finish for 7,000 rubles for the wall 1.80 m. A friend ordered a velvet finish for 22,000 rubles for the kitchen7 sq.m, but she has sliding drawers.
No one believes that the kitchen is so much worth it. Good assortment from them, constantly updated, and most importantly - all comes assembled, just hang the doors and handles, the assembly is not necessary.
I'll ask about workers, but no promises. Just a very decent and executive guy, maybe he is engaged in repairs.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
Yes, I'm also curious how much is currently painting, a tile work. I begin making repairs in the apartment tomorrow. It is true I have bathrooms in the main. Some tiler wrote by mail that takes 450 rubles per square meter of tiles, without surface preparation. I think too much. Can someone know prices?
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
I ordered the kitchen in Prague st. in "E-Paradise," but it was 2 years ago. I was the most economical model with facades "Economy", the same with facades "Prestige" cost 5000 rubles more expensive. In the price of kitchen: a table top, handles, a wall panel, home appliances and an assembly were not included.
On the issues: a case-column 2600 rubles, a sink 1,000 rubles, a front panel for a dishwasher - 400 rubles., a table under the oven - 900 rubles, a table with drawers 1600 rubles. Dryers 1000 rubles, 2 cases with glass for 1150 rubles.
Now the prices have increased about 30%.
For my tiny kitchen I paid 40000 rubles. Nothing special. It's pretty cheap.
Cheapest kitchens you can find in Leroi and Ikea. It sucks. You look at the price and it looks like cheap. You begin to consider, it is much more expensive.
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Тема: Re: log home building ideas
And I have a mini-kitchen to make cosmetic repairs. Just for 2 years. Then I will update a kitchen furniture, and repairs to make honest.
I want the ceiling, pasted by foam plates, a fluff primer and paint with water paint.
Wallpapers on the walls are already unsightly now. I want them to tear off as I need to plaster, for the half of the kitchen (with a stove and a sink) a color paint, and the other half of the wallpapers. But there is a question what kind of paint for the walls to use? I wish I had no problems in the future sticking wallpapers. What will you advise?

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